Thandoori naan | cooked in direct fire

Thandoori naan mean the naan cooked in direct fire, there is a different between cooking over a pan & cooking in direct fire, the smoky flavor raises the taste of the naan . This is very easy to make & a traditional way of naan makers.
You can serve this with any curry dishes you like. 

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Thandoori naan | stove burnt naan #india #srilanka

  1. 1-1/2 cup flour
  2. 2 tbsp olive oil or any oil
  3. 1-1/2 tsp yeast
  4. 1 tsp salt
  5. 2 tbsp yogurt/curd
  6. Warm water (100-120)ml
If you are using instant dry yeast you can use it directly, otherwise mix the yeast with 100ml water & leave it to firm.

Now mix all ingredients in a bawl & kneed it , add water accordingly, you’l get a sticky stretchy dough. If it sticks apply some oil on your palms & handle, no need to knead for a long time, make sure the ingredients are mixed well, smooth the dough using ur oiled palms & let it rest until double in size.

Divide it to 3-4 equals depending on the size you need.
Take one of it & simply flat it using your fingers, now stretch the dough to a oval or any shapes u need. 

Now, we have to cook the naan on direct fire, but we will cook the naan little on the pan so it’s easy to handle,  otherwise it will stick to the stove legs.

Quickly Cook a side for a while & hold it on direct fire, cook both the sides well. 

Add some butter if u need a flavor & softness. Place it on a plate, if you are making a lot keep covered the cooked naans with a dumb towel. That’s it, Once you done with all serve it with a tasty curry you like. 

A best combination for naan is ‘butter chicken’
Click to redirect to butter chicken recipe 


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