Srilankan coconut rotty | coconut flat breads

Coconut lovers always look for something new to make with coconut when ever they get coconut..... “coconut” 😁 it’s all about coconut 🥥, an amazing recipe that everyone loves. It’s Just a simple flat bread made with coconut, flour salt & water, people use many different ways to make it, some add butter in it, some add vegetables or some add onions, but these are the 4 ingredients if you need to make the traditional one. 

Take a large mixing bawl, 
Take about 2 cups flour, 3/4 cup of coconut, salt & warm water to knead.

Experts never measure the amount of coconut & flour, they just add accordingly, it’s up to you how much coconut you need, the more you increase the coconut the more you get the tasty breads. 
Once you finish kneading, divid it into equals, roll into a medium thick flat disks, 
Heat a pan on your stove , here the people use clay pans traditionally which gives a nice smell to the breads, but if you don’t have it no problem, go to the option what ever you have at home even if it’s a steel lid . 

All you have to do is, cook both the side on the pan till it done, that’s it. No baking, no frying, no oil .. if you wanna make it more healthy, use some brown flour or whole wheat flour instead of white or all purpose flour. 

You can just eat it without any side dishes or you can go for any options, 
It can be used as a breakfast or a dinner, or.. people make it in small sizes mixed with onions & green chilies for the snack time. So it’s a multipurpose food . Give it a try & let us know the feedbacks. Thank you.?


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