How to make biriyani ( chicken/ beef)

No matter which nationality you are, a plate of biriyani makes you hungry. You can’t ignore it, you can’t refuse to smell it, you can’t turn your face away from it😂 
It’s An incredible food which was introduced by Indians & became famous on all over the world.
The rice is mixed with many spices , beef , curd & more ingredients.a heavy flavored rice but you won’t feel full until you finish the whole pot. That’s the special part of this. It could be a breakfast, lunch or dinner. Time doesn’t matter. Taste matters.
So making a tasty biriyani is a big dream of biriyani lovers. “How to make it perfectly?” It’s a big question most people have. So let’s see the recipe which is going to help you to make it .

Marinating time : 1hr
Cooking time : 1- 1-1/2hr
Serving size : 3 people 

First marinating the beef / chicken 

  1. 250-300 g beef/ chicken ( cut into large pieces)
  2. 3-4 tbsp curd/ yogurt 
  3. 3 tsp chilly powder 
  4. 2 tsp pepper powder 
  5. Salt to taste 
  6. 2 tsp garam masala( optional)
  7. 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 

Mix everything together. Let it rest for at least 1 hr to maximum a day ( if you are marinating more than 5hrs, just put it in the refrigerator. 

Now to make the curry, you’l need

  1. 250g basmati / keeri samba (which is jeeraka samba)
  2. 1/2 cup of ghee
  3. 3 large onions , thinly sliced 
  4. 1 large tomato
  5. 2 long green chilies ( sliced) 
  6. A piece of ginger 
  7. 6-7 garlic pods
  8. 2-3 pieces of cloves 
  9. 2-3 cardamoms 
  10. Long piece of cinnamon 
  11. 2 bay leaves 
  12. A cup of thick coconut milk
  13. 2 tbsp rose water
  14. Coriander leaves 
  15. Cashews , raisins .
Crush/ grind together the garlic, ginger, cloves & cardamoms.

Fry 1/4 of your sliced onion & raisins. 
Roast the cashews & keep aside ( these for garnishing)

Heat the ghee in a large skillet, add the onion, cinnamon & bay, let it fry until light golden.
Add the green chilly , garlic mixture, stir well. Add tomatoes.
Cook until the tomatoes get cooked.
Now add the marinated beef or chicken. Give it a good stir, add the coconut milk & more water to cook the beef/ chicken.

Chicken: 1 cup
Beef : 2-3 cups

Stir everything together, check the salts & spices , you can adjust according to your taste.
Cover it , cook until the meat get cooked & the gravy turns thicker , it must be a very thick curry like curd consistency. 
You will see the curry bubbling & oil separating from the curry . 

Meanwhile boil your rice separately,add a tbsp ghee to the water while boiling, once the is softened drain the water & put the rice to the thickened gravy, don’t mix it, just put the rice as a layer . 

(You can make 4 or many layers, just take out a half curry , put 1/2 of your rice to the skillet spread evenly don’t mix with the curry & then put the rest of the curry on the rice, & now put the the other 1/2 of the rice, this way you can make many layers if you are cooking more than 1 kg rice. )

So the top layer should be rice. Pour the rose water, sprinkle the coriander, cover the skillet tightly & slow cook for about 30-45 minutes. (Very low flame)

Once you done, start mixing the rice slowly, start from bottom of the skillet , you should mix bottom - top from one side. Use a folk so it’s easy to mix it. Don’t over mix. This step  is very important.

Now serve the rice to the plates , serve from the bottom of the skillet. now garnish the plate with fried onions, cashews & raisins. Enjoy . 


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