How to make spaghetti sauce at home


  1. 1 medium onion - chopped 
  2. 2-3 garlic pods - chopped 
  3. Pepper powder to taste
  4. Chilly powder- to taste
  5. Salt - to taste 
  6. 1 to 1-1/2 cup of tomato purée 
  7. 2 tbsp ketchup 
  8. 2 tbsp tomato paste
  9. Chopped parsley 
  10. Chopped mint/ basil
  11. Chicken stock ( liquid/ cube)
Add some oil on a pan, fry the onion & garlic.
Add in the tomato purée, add the salt , chicken stock & spices.

Mix well & cook covered for few minutes.
once the sauce starts to thickened , add the chopped parsley & basils. 

Stir well. The sauce is ready.
Stir your cooked spaghetti in it. Or bour the sauce over the spaghetti. Serve with some delicious meatballs 

Also, you can simply cook your meatballs in it for a extra flavor. 
NOTE : if you prefer , mix some minced meat while you cooking the sauce. So you didn’t have to make meatballs or any side dishes. 
Watch video 

How to make spaghetti sauce , delicious recipe.

How to make meatballs 


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