Ginger sticks | ginger fingers | ginger cookies


  • 1/4 cup of condensed milk,
  • 1 cup of flour,
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder,
  • 1/4 cup of butter in room temperature,
  • 2 tbsp sugar & a pinch of salt,
  • Half a tea spoon baking powder,
  • 2 tbsp ginger extract .

Mix the condensed milk & the ginger extract. Set a side,

Now start adding the dry ingredients to a bawl & mix well.

Take a large bawl, add the dry ingredients & the butter, beat it well till you get a soft crumble mixture, 

Now adding the condensed milk & mix well with a spatula. Don’t beat the mixture, if you over beat it , you won’t be able to handle.

Now add the cocoa powder & mix well till you get a dough. 

Place it middle of a parchment paper or a plastic wrap, roll it slowly to a 1 inch thick disk,

Refrigerate the dough for about 30 minutes.

Take out the dough & cut into 8 stripes, rollout the each stripe following the video , place the sticks on the greased baking pan, 

Refrigerate unwrapped for another 10 minutes, while pre heat your oven on 180degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes, 

Now bake the sticks for about 15 minutes. If you have any dough left , wrap it & refrigerate until you use it again. 

Once you done, take out the sticks & let cool for about 30to 45 minutes. 

Ginger sticks are ready to serve 


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