Spring rolls with home made spring roll sheets


  • 500 g plain flour
  • 450 ml water
  • 1 tap salt


  1. Mix all the ingredients together make a batter .
  2. Beat it for 5 mints until smooth and thick as paint.
Here comes the irritating part of the recipe.
  1. get your self a 4 inch clean paint brush.
  2. Heat a skillet. Wipe it with a slightly oily cloth. (you can use an oil spray too)
  3. Dip the brush in the paint and paint the surface of a hot skillet.
  4. Paint a circle. When you do this, the wrapper will be paper-thin.
Or, use your hands.

  •  Get a hand full of batter ball, simply rub into a very very thin circle (like a tissue) on the pan ,
Take out your hands and the excess batter.
  • Once the wrapper is ready which will take only 6 to 10 seconds the wrapper will start to peel at the side. Now you can remove it with your hands or use a clean spatula.
  • Now keep filling immediately and roll it.
  • Apply some batter on the edges to stick.
  • Fry over medium flam until slightly golden And remove from the oil .
  • Serve hot.


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