Home made mayonnaise


  1. 1 tsp mustard powder
  2. 3 egg yolks 
  3. 1/2 of a medium size onion( chopped)
  4. 1 tsp honey( optional)
  5. 2/3 garlic pods
  6. Lemon juice and salt to taste
  7. Oil


  • Add onion, mustard powder, honey, lemon juice, garlic pods in a food processor and blend well. 
  • Add the egg yolks.
  • Blend it well until combined .
  • Now add oil tbsp at a time and blend till the mixture become very thick and to the right consistency.
  • Add pinch if salt and mix.
  • Store in a airtight container.

Note : you can omit mustard powder,honey and lemon juice  with 2 tsp of dijon mustard.


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