Chocolate swiss roll

1. Flour - 100g
    Cocoa powder - 30g
    Baking powder - 1 1/2 tspn
2. Egg  yokes - 8
    Sugar - 75g
    Vanilla essence - 1 tspn
    Honey - 50g

3. Egg whites - 8
    Sugar - 120g

4. Butter - 40g
    Milk - 70ml


1. Mix flour, baking powder, cocoa powder in a bawl. Keep it a side.

2. Melt the butter in a double boiler and mix with the milk. Keep it a side.

3. Add egg yokes,sugar,honey and essence in a bawl and beat in high speed until creamy.
4. Take another bawl and add egg whites and sugar. Beat in high speed. Continue until  stiff peaks form.

5.  Now combine half of egg white mixture to the egg yolk mixture  and stir well.

6. Add flour mixture  little by little to the egg mixture and mix well.

7. now add the remaining egg white mixture  and combine well.

8. Pour the melted butter and milk to the mixture and mix well.

9. Pour the mixture to the baking tray . (To 1/2 inch thickness).

10. Preheat the oven in 200 degrees for 10 mints.
      Baking time - 40 mits.
      First 10 mint - 200g
      Other 30 mints - 180
( or your regular baking options for cakes. Timing will be changed according to the thickness.)



1. 300g whip cream
2. 200g chocolate.
3. 2 tabl spns of sugar

1.Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or a microwave oven.
2.beat the sugar and whip cream until thick cream and add melted chocolate.
3. Mix them well. Do not beat.

The filling is ready.

  • When your cake is done, replace it directly to a cotton clothe from the oven and carefully roll it and let it cool for 5 mints.

  • now unroll the cake. Remove towel and keep it on a oil paper .

  • stir the filling once and spread cake with filling. Re roll   the cake. Refrigerate for several hrs .

  • sprinkle powder sugar or cocoa powder on top before serving.



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