how to make cutlets

Ingredients :
  • 3 large potatoes. 
  • 1 medium size onion & 2 small onions. 
  • 2 green chillies.(crushed) 
  • Curry leaves. 
  • Salt. 
  • Gram flour. 
  • Bread crumbs. 
  • Crushed chilly powder. 
  • Pepper powder.    
step - 01

take a pot and put the potatoes and water . Add some salt and bring them to boil.. Steam your potatoes well. Check with a fork , if the fork can go through the potatoes , it's done.
Now turn off the fire . 

Drain all water and peel out the potatoes.crush them. 
Now take a pan or pot and add some oil. When it's heating add onion, green chilly,curry leaves , salt and cook for about 2 minutes. 
You can also add tuna, chicken or beef to this curry. But before you add the chicken or beef you must boil and cut them to small pieces or crushed. 
Now add the potatoes and spices .Mix them well and cook for another 2 minutes.

it's done
let it cool  and make  medium size balls from that.

step - 02

take some gram flour and add little water and make a thick batter.
you can replace this gram flour using eggs or wheat flour

step - 03
take one potato ball and drop into this batter.
now coat that ball with bread crumbs.

step - 04
heat oil for deep fry.
simply add this balls to the oil .

tasty &  crispy cutlets are ready..have it with a cup of tea and enjoy.



  1. Your Recieps are always Easy and Clear All the Very best sister


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