

  • 2 cups plain flour. 
  • Salt to taste. 
  • Water.      
  • 1-2 tbsp butter    
  • sliced sausages. 
  • Large green chilly . 
  • Crushed onion. 
  • Carrots. 
  • Salt. 
  • Pepper powder. 
  • Cheese ( shredded)    

Direction of wrap 

  • Add salt and butter to the flour and add water.
  •  Make a fine dough. 
  • Let it rest for about 15 mints. 

Direction of curry 

1.  Take some batter in a pan..

2.  Let it melt and add onion, carrots,chilly and salt to it.stir well and cook for about 3  minutes.. 

3.  Now add the sausages and spices .

4.  Keep stirring for few minutes and add cheese.

5.  Let the cheese melted . 

6.  turn off the stove. 
7.  Take a medium size ball from your dough and flat it. 
8.  Make a large and very thin round. 
9.  Heat your pan and put this wrap on the pan. 

10.  Cooke both sides on medium flame. 

11.  Once you done put it on a plate and add some curry on it . 

12.  simply roll it. 

Thats it. Hot cheesy sausages wrap is ready. Have a great dinner.


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